Sunday, November 18, 2007

About Us:

If you are reading this, the chances are that you already know at least one of us! We live in Irving, Texas, love the outdoors and enjoy being amongst friends and loved ones. Besides sports we try to keep busy either with our entrepreneurial projects or giving back to the society.

Why do we run:

We both share the dream of running a marathon and it is so fulfilling to have the opportunity to help underprivileged children reach their full potential while we accomplish our dream! We are very glad that we embarked on this wonderful although at times excruciating, journey; we've made so many good friends and have learned so much about ourselves since we started to train. Getting up at 4:30a.m on a Sunday morning is not exactly fun, but somewhere along the way, we totally fell in love with running. It's become an inextricable part of our lives now, and it's hard to imagine a world without it.

We plan to run the Whiterock marathon - 26.2 miles - in Dallas and raise $1,500 to support education for children. We request that you donate generously to help us meet this goal and join Asha for Education team in their effort for a better tomorrow. Please note that your donations do not pay, in any ways, for our marathon or training expenses. 100% of your donations will be utilized in Asha projects and are tax deductible. For more details on Asha for Education and its projects, visit

How Asha helps:

Asha for Education is a zero-overhead, volunteer driven, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to change in India by focusing on basic education with the belief that education is a critical requisite for socio-economic change. Till date, Asha has supported more than 385 different child education projects spanning 24 states in India. In terms of project funding, almost $6.07 million has been disbursed to these projects since Asha's inception.

Act Now:

Please add "Towards Venus and Vishal Bhasin's Marathon Fundrasier" in the comments section.
[Automated e-mail isn't functioning on Asha's Web site, so we'd appreciate if you can please send us a note after making a donation]

OR please feel free to give us cash or check and we'll donate it to Asha on your behalf.

Many Thanks!!